About Me

Hello Friends! My name is Carol welcome to my page where I share my super easy recipes, fitness tips, and lifestyle! I have always been super passionate about easy and healthy to make meals and desserts. In this space I want to share what I have learned this past few years and continue to learn in a daily basis in the kitchen, a lot of my recipes will have a little bit of Latin flare. I learned to cook by watching my mom in the kitchen and asking A LOT of questions and I still do. I call her here and there to remind me how to make some of the Latin foods I love and I know she makes the best.

I’m very passionate about fitness. I like to try different things all the time and I’m Yoga Barre Certified, I love teaching Yoga and connect with people. I love spinning, hiking, kickboxing, running and trying to be better at snowboarding.

I’m an oils girl, I love essential oils and I use them in a daily basis, not just defusing them but I love to make blends and use a lot of essential oils for house cleaning and disinfecting. They just make me feel so good, happy and free to toxic chemicals. I started a Crystal Infused Essential Oils blend, check out my feature page to learn more about it and how to order them.

I love to travel the world, learning new cultures, new foods and meeting new people is good for the soul. I live in Idaho and I’m learning each day how to work on the land and run our vegetable garden so I hope you come along. We are also waiting to get our new expedition camper this summer, I’m very excited and can’t wait to travel all over the US and Canada. I’ll be sharing a lot of the meal I’ll be cooking while camping and all the cooking gadgets I’ll be using. Our long hair Calico cat Mia will be coming along with us she will be featured in a lot of our posts so stay tune.

At the end of the day, I just want to be happy, healthy, and live a fulfilled content life. And I want to provide resources for you to do the same! Follow along on my journey to find balance, good food and little adventures in this busy and crazy life.

Love, Carol